

$ 66344.33
Market Value $ 13,932.31 million
Change -0.03%
power 653.81 EH/s
Daily output 0.00000077 BTC / T
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 12.3648
Market Value $ 2.60 million
Change 0.00%
power 3.02 KH/s
Daily output 0.21580310 DCR / G
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 73.19
Market Value $ 61.48 million
Change -0.01%
power 995.67 TH/s
Daily output 0.00000339 LTC / M
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 373.25
Market Value $ 78.38 million
Change -0.01%
power 3.35 EH/s
Daily output 0.00014193 BCH / T
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 29.68
Market Value $ 6.23 million
Change 0.00%
power 6.38 GH/s
Daily output 0.00043492 ZEC / K
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 27.16
Market Value $ 5.13 million
Change 0.00%
power 1.42 PH/s
Daily output 0.00009904 DASH / G
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.



$ 23.6969
Market Value $ 49.93 million
Change -0.09%
power 180.95 TH/s
Daily output 0.00007547 ETC / M
Halve time

The public chain will have a halving cycle to maintain the value of the currency, and the market will rise sharply after halving in history.

No halving expected
Earnings volatility

The computing power of the entire network is due to the increase and decrease of mining machines, which affects the average distribution of revenue. If the computing power decreases, the average revenue will increase, and if the computing power increases, the average revenue decreases.

-0.07% all


Filecoin mainnet completes v13 HyperDrive network upgrade

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Filecoin mainnet completed the v13 Hyper Drive network upgrade, and the storage efficiency will be increased by 10-25 times compared to before.

Bitcoin will usher in the biggest difficulty reduction in history

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Multiple sites on the chain estimate that in the upcoming adjustment, the difficulty of Bitcoin mining will drop by about 21%.

Strong mining supervision, strong anti-risk ability of global top mines

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Judging from the current global mining landscape, the world's leading mining industry may have more resources, distributed all over the world. Compared with mining companies with a single regional layout, they have better anti-risk capabilities.

The Swarm main net will be officially launched on the 21st of this month

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According to Swarm official news, the Ethereum storage project-Swarm Foundation announced the official launch of the Swarm1.0 mainnet and will start the SwarmOne event at 21:00 on June 21. Nodes of the test network can be connected to the main network fir

Good news for Bitcoin frequently comes out, speculation or mining next?

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Judging from the repeated shocks of the bull market, it also shows that mining is more risk-resistant than speculating coins.

Development and Reform Commission of Changji Hui Autonomous of Xinjiang requires mining companies to suspend operations for rectification.

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on June 9th, Xinjiang Changji Prefecture Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on the immediate suspension of production and rectification of virtual currency mining enterprises."

Swarm main net is online, be the first to allocate BZZ node mining

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According to official sources, the Ethereum decentralized storage network Swarm Foundation announced that it will soft-launch the Bee main net on June 13, 2021.

Is the "mining" business going to cool down?

News 2021-06-04 18:01 31544 data shows that since May 13, the average HashRate of the entire Bitcoin network has dropped from 179.25 EH/s to 150.48 EH/s.

RHY assembles storage miners and puts them on shelves in the U.S.

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Recently, storage mining machines assembled by RHY have been put on shelves in the United States on a large scale, and packaging and batch mining have been speeded up.

RHY builds a natural gas power generation mine in Canada

News 2021-06-01 19:10 33521
RHY, the world's leading blockchain data center service provider, expanded its natural gas power generation mine in Canada. The mine is built in Edmonton, AB, Canada, with a load of 40MW, and the power station is driven by natural gas.
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